A Vos Plumes! - The French Writing Center

Grammar videos

Grammar videos

Students have found my grammar lessons useful, so I made them into videos, thanks to a grant from the President's Office at UVA. These materials complement, but are not intended to replace a good reference grammar book, such as Denise Rochat's Contrastes.

Les articles

Articles (definite, indefinite, partitive)

When to omit the article

Le présent

French Verbs: the basics.doc

Verbs + Prepositions: This one has no video, but it is arguably the most useful handout you will ever find anywhere!! Keep this next to you as you write!!

Le passé composé et l'imparfait

Passé composé vs. imparfait

Past Participle Agreement [for passé composé]

Les pronoms



Le futur et le conditionnel

Future, conditional

Se situer dans le temps (since, for, ago)

Since/for/ago/in + time

Se situer dans l'espace (in, to, from)

La négation

Le passé composé

Les temps du passé

The pluperfect (plus-que-parfait)

Les pronoms relatifs

Relative pronouns

L'infinitif/Le participe présent


La voix passive

Passive voice

Le subjonctif

When to use subjunctive

Adjective placement