A Vos Plumes! - The French Writing Center



We'd love to include your teaching ideas as well. Please feel free to contact Alison Levine at the UVA French Department to contribute exercises, activity ideas, writing assignments, handouts for students, or anything else you think would be of use to others teaching French writing or grammar.

We abide by Creative Commons licensing principles:
* nothing on the site may be used for commercial purposes;
* anyone is free to modify work published on the site as long as others share alike.

Please proof and edit your contributions carefully for quality. We reserve the right to make our own edits and modifications to your materials as well. We will publish all excellent contributions that do not duplicate other material available on the site.

You'll have to Google me to find my contact info, because any form or contact device I leave on this site ends up getting deluged with spam that would make your hair stand on end. I'm easy to find on the web though, and would love to hear from you.

Creative Commons License
A Vos Plumes! website by Alison J. Murray Levine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.